This weekend I’m (GEEK ALERT) headed to “Free Comic Book Day”…yes, I still read Super Hero comics. DC Comics, to be exact. The Justice League is my favorite. I’m sooo excited for the “Wonder Woman” movie coming out in a few weeks!
But I know we have real-life Super Heroes right here on the Mid-Shore.
I have to give a HUUUGE Pat on the Back to local attorney Robert Messick, who is in the 5-month process of hiking the entire Appalachian Trail (start in Georgia, finish in Maine, 14 states along the way) to support the Talbot Interfaith Shelter!
This is a 2,190 mile journey (and did I mention takes 5 months) that Robert has voluntarily (it was his idea!) undertaken to raise funds and awareness for the shelter, which is the local homeless shelter in the Easton area. Yes, there are homeless people in Easton.
I talked to Robert a few times on the show prior to his departure, and have been checking in with him during his journey, and his dedication and spirit amaze me. When I last talked to him (5/5/17), he has walked over 200 miles and was about 10% finished. He hopes to be done by Mid-September. He told me the other day he fell while going down a slope on one of the mountains this week, and re-aggravated an old knee injury. Is he stopping? Nope, he just took a couple days off and rested it. To think, 5 months away from his family, by himself, outside. Occasionally there is a hostel or other rest area, but generally at night, he ties a hammock between 2 trees to get himself off the ground, and sleeps outside, alone. I see some parallels here between what Robert is experiencing, and his cause.
Robert (did I mention he is WALKING over TWO THOUSAND MILES) is doing the hard part. I hope you will do what you can to help the cause. Visit and read more about the shelter. Then, click on “Long Walk Home” so you can follow Robert’s journey. He is doing a pretty detailed journal on the website, and also posting pictures on Facebook & Instagram of the various sights along his journey.
Thank You, Robert Messick. Your “secret identity” is revealed. You are a Super Hero.
Next month, I’ll tell you about another really unsung Super Hero that lives and breathes among us each day.